“Kamchatskiy krai” weekly newspaper review, № 43, 2 November 2011

06.11.2011 08:36:38 (GMT+12)

“Kamchatskiy krai” weekly newspaper review, № 43, 2 November 2011
- LAND FOR LARGE FAMILIES! – in 2012 already large families will be able to pretend for receipt of free land parcels for building or household plot.

- VIKTOR ISHAEV: “LET’S SPEAK ADULTLY” – Plenipotentiary of Russian President, who visited Kamchatka last week, made a tough talk in the government.  

- OUR ALEXANDER IS THE FIRST! The governor Vladimir Ilukhin promised to present a 2-room flat to a baby of Petropavlovsk who was born the first in Russia in a day of 7 billions.

All material of the issue, back files of the newspaper - www. kamkrai.com